Lisa Mortensen's story behind the Ohio 2008 Reunion

By: Lisa Mortensen 08-08-08

About 5 years ago, my mom came to me with a proposal that we, as a family, all attend the Tafel Family Reunion the following year in North Carolina.  I had never been to one of these reunions before, and wasn’t sure what to expect, but I thought it would be fun to be there with my parents, my sister, and her family, so I agreed to go. 

As the reunion got closer, I realized that I had a major scheduling conflict.  I was on the planning committee for the annual convention of the Ohio Federation of Mother’s of Twins Clubs, an organization I am deeply involved with, and that is very dear to my heart.  The date of the convention we were planning ended up being the same weekend as the Tafel Reunion.  I called my mom and told her that we simply could not attend the reunion, as I had this other commitment, and I didn’t want to work all year on a convention and then not see my work come to fruition.  She had a fit!  She insisted that money was already put down on the reunion, plans were already made, and we simply had to go.  Reluctantly, I resolved myself to missing the convention; and consoled myself in the fact that, at least my sister and family would be there. 

Unfortunately, my mom never made it to that reunion in North Carolina.  She passed away just a few short months after she convinced me that we had to go.  As for my sister, she and her family were unable to afford to attend because they had depleted their resources attending our mother’s funeral.  So, it was with a very heavy heart that I trudged my way to North Carolina 4 years ago with my Dad and my little family.  I did not anticipate having a good time.  I knew almost no one.  I would much rather have been at my convention.  I went because I had promised my mom, and because I thought it would be good for my Dad. 

Little did I know how much I would gain by being there!  Carla Dimmitt Schell did a fantastic job planning a wonderful event.  We enjoyed all that North Carolina had to offer, and never once felt out-of-place, or like we didn’t belong. We all had an amazing time!  I met family I never knew I had; and discovered that it doesn’t matter how well you know someone, family is family.  The bonds are always there, waiting to be activated!     

In fact, I felt so enriched by my attendance, that I had a deep desire to share the “Tafel Experience” with the rest of my family who weren’t there: my sister, and my first cousins.   I wanted them to find what I had found – a fantastic, loving, friendly branch of our family I never knew was there.  Eric and I discussed it and determined that maybe the best way to bring our family to the Tafel Reunion would be to bring the Tafel Reunion to our family – by hosting one close to home.  Thus, with that end in mind, we set forth to host this reunion. 

It has been a tremendous undertaking.  At the time we determined to host this reunion, we had two children.  We have since doubled that number!  That was not an anticipated turn of events, and it definitely made the planning and organizing a bit more challenging.  We never could have done this alone, and thankfully, we didn’t have to!   

We had lots of guidance, suggestions, and advice from many family members who have a lot more experience than we do: Ruth and Rudy Tafel, Carla Dimmitt Schell, Sherry Shaller Marshall, Kelly Fetherlin, and of course, Beth Tafel Shuster – who has been invaluable. 

 We also had the help and input of our local relations, who have done so much for this reunion and never once brought up the fact that none of this was their idea in the first place!  We owe a debt of gratitude to cousins Rob Armstrong, Bonnie Armstrong, and Laura Thomas.  My uncle, Bill Armstrong, is going to entertain us this evening with his friends, despite the fact that he underwent major surgery on his shoulder just a few months ago! Lastly, my aunt, Barb Armstrong, has been my right arm.  This reunion would not have been possible without her tremendous and unrelenting support.

 I set out to host this reunion with the goal of enriching the lives of my family members by sharing all of this with them.  Some of them are here, some are not.  In the end, however, the one who has been most enriched, is me.  Through planning all of this, I have gotten to know so much more about this wonderful Tafel family and it’s members.  Thank you to all of you for being here.  I am so excited to have this time to spend with you, and I hope you all have as much fun this weekend as I have had over the last year and a half in planning and preparing this experience for you.